Complete Understanding of Big O Notation

big o notation, what is big o notation, What are the properties of Big O notation?, Why is it called big O notation?, complete guid about big o notation
Written by M-Ahmed
Sunday, August 18, 2024 at 11:25 AM
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Gain a Complete Understanding of Big O Notation with our detailed guide. Explore the rules of Big O Notation, different Big o Notation types, and how to use a Big O notation calculator. Access a comprehensive cheat sheet to analyze and optimize algorithm efficiency effectively. Ideal for developers and students looking to master algorithm complexity and enhance their coding skills.

What Is Big O Notation? A Basic Overview

Big O notation is a way to describe how an algorithm's performance changes as the input data size increases.

In simplest terms:

  • Big O notation expresses the worst-case scenario of an algorithm's time or space complexity.
  • It helps us understand how quickly or slowly an algorithm will run as the input size grows.

For example:

  • O(1) means the algorithm runs in constant time, regardless of input size.
  • O(n) means the algorithm's run time grows linearly with the input size.
  • O(n^2) means the run time grows quadratically with the input size.

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What are the types of Big O notation?

Big O notation describes the efficiency of algorithms in terms of their time and space complexity. Here are some common types of Big O notation:

O(1) - Constant Time

The algorithm’s runtime or space requirements do not change with the input data size.
Example: Accessing an element in an array by index.

O(log n) - Logarithmic Time

The algorithm’s runtime increases logarithmically as the input size grows. Often seen in algorithms that repeatedly divide the input in half.
Example: Binary search in a sorted array.

O(n) - Linear Time

The algorithm’s runtime or space requirements grow linearly with the size of the input data.
Example: Iterating through an array or list.

O(n log n) - Linearithmic Time

The algorithm’s runtime grows proportionally to n times the logarithm of n. Common in efficient sorting algorithms.
Example: Merge sort, quicksort.

O(n^2) - Quadratic Time

The algorithm’s runtime or space requirements grow proportionally to the square of the input size. Often seen in algorithms with nested loops.
Example: Bubble sort, selection sort.

O(n^3) - Cubic Time

The algorithm’s runtime or space requirements grow proportionally to the cube of the input size. Often seen in algorithms with three nested loops.
Example: Matrix multiplication using the naive approach.

O(2^n) - Exponential Time

The algorithm’s runtime doubles with each additional element in the input. Typically seen in algorithms that solve problems through exhaustive search.
Example: Recursive solutions to the traveling salesman problem.

O(n!) - Factorial Time

The algorithm’s runtime grows factorially with the size of the input. Seen in algorithms that generate all possible permutations of the input.
Example: Solving the traveling salesman problem with brute-force search.

What are the Big O Notation rules?

Big O Notation helps describe the efficiency of algorithms, particularly their time and space complexity, as the size of the input grows. Here are some key rules for understanding and using Big O Notation:

1. Ignore Constant Factors

  • Rule: When calculating Big O, constant factors are ignored.
  • Example: If an algorithm runs in 5n time, it’s simplified to O(n).

2. Focus on the Dominant Term

  • Rule: Only the fastest-growing term is considered in Big O.
  • Example: In an algorithm with a time complexity of n² + 3n + 2, the dominant term is n², so it’s expressed as O(n²).

3. Worst-Case Scenario

  • Rule: Big O notation typically represents the worst-case scenario, showing the maximum time or space an algorithm could require.
  • Example: For a linear search, the worst-case is O(n) when the element is at the end of the array or not present.

4. Drop Non-Dominant Terms

  • Rule: Lower-order terms are dropped because they have minimal impact on the growth rate as the input size increases.
  • Example: For a time complexity of n³ + n² + n, the non-dominant terms n² and n are dropped, leaving O(n³).

5. Multiplication of Independent Processes

  • Rule: If two independent processes are combined, their complexities are multiplied.
  • Example: If an algorithm has two nested loops, each with O(n) complexity, the overall complexity is O(n) * O(n) = O(n²).

6. Logarithms and Bases

  • Rule: In Big O, logarithms with different bases are considered equivalent since they differ only by a constant factor.
  • Example: O(log₂ n) is equivalent to O(log₁₀ n) in Big O notation.

7. Additive Rule

  • Rule: When two processes run sequentially, the total complexity is the sum of their individual complexities, but only the highest complexity is retained.
  • Example: An algorithm that performs O(n) followed by O(n²) will have a total complexity of O(n²).

These rules help in determining and simplifying the Big O notation for any given algorithm, providing a clear understanding of its performance as input size scales.

What is Big O notation calculator?

A Big O notation calculator is a tool or software that helps you determine the time and space complexity of algorithms. It automates the process of analyzing how an algorithm's performance scales with the size of the input data, giving you the Big O notation as the output.

How It Works:

  • Input: You provide the algorithm or code snippet that you want to analyze. This could be loops, recursive functions, or any block of code.
  • Analysis: The calculator examines the structure of the code, focusing on factors like loop counts, nested loops, and recursive calls.
  • Output: The tool then outputs the Big O notation that best describes the algorithm's time or space complexity. For example, it might indicate O(n), O(log n), or O(n²) depending on the code provided.

Common Features:

Code Input: Some calculators allow you to directly input code in languages like Python or JavaScript.

Step-by-Step Explanation: Many tools provide a breakdown of how they arrived at the complexity, explaining each step of the process.

Multiple Notations: Besides Big O, some calculators also provide other notations like Big Omega (Ω) and Big Theta (Θ), which describe best and average-case scenarios.

Why Use a Big O Notation Calculator?

  • Speed: It quickly provides the complexity analysis, saving you time.
  • Learning Aid: It can be a helpful tool for students and developers learning algorithm analysis, providing instant feedback.
  • Accuracy: It reduces the risk of errors in manual analysis, especially with complex algorithms.

Examples of Big O Notation Calculators:

  • Online Tools: Websites like Big-O Cheat Sheet and Algorithm Complexity Calculator offer online Big O calculators.
  • IDE Plugins: Some IDEs (Integrated Development Environments) have plugins that automatically calculate Big O as you code.


A Big O notation calculator is a valuable tool for developers and students to quickly and accurately assess the efficiency of algorithms. Whether you're optimizing code or studying for exams, it simplifies the process of understanding algorithm complexity.

Why is it called big O notation?

Big O notation is called "Big O" because the "O" stands for "order" and represents the order of growth of an algorithm's time or space complexity. Here's a deeper look at the name and its significance:

1. The "O" Stands for Order:

  • The "O" in Big O notation comes from the term "order of growth," which refers to how the performance of an algorithm changes as the size of the input grows.
  • It's a way to express the upper bound or the worst-case scenario of an algorithm's growth rate, indicating how quickly the time or space requirements increase relative to the input size.

2. Why "Big"?

  • The term "Big" is used to emphasize that Big O notation provides a high-level, approximate understanding of an algorithm's complexity. It focuses on the dominant factors that affect growth, ignoring smaller details or constant factors.

3. Historical Context:

  • The notation was introduced by German mathematician Paul Bachmann in the late 19th century and was later popularized by Edmund Landau. It's used extensively in computer science to describe the efficiency of algorithms.
  • The "O" is a common symbol in mathematics to represent the upper bound or the order of a function's growth, and this concept was adapted into algorithm analysis.

4. Simplifying Complexity:

  • By using Big O notation, we simplify the analysis of algorithms, focusing only on the most significant factors that impact performance. For example, whether an algorithm runs in O(n), O(log n), or O(n²) time gives us a clear idea of its efficiency without needing to delve into the exact number of operations or the impact of smaller terms.

What is the symbol for Big O notation?

The symbol for Big O notation is simply "O" followed by parentheses containing the function that represents the growth rate of the algorithm. For example, O(n), O(log n), O(n²), and O(1) are all common expressions using the Big O notation.

Explanation of the Symbol:

  • "O": The letter "O" stands for "Order," representing the order of growth of the algorithm's time or space complexity.
  • Parentheses: The function inside the parentheses indicates the growth rate or how the algorithm's performance scales with the size of the input.
  • Function Inside: The function can vary based on the specific algorithm being analyzed. Common functions include:
    • O(1): Constant time, where the algorithm's performance doesn't change with input size.
    • O(n): Linear time, where the performance scales directly with the size of the input.
    • O(log n): Logarithmic time, where the performance increases logarithmically as the input size increases.
    • O(n²): Quadratic time, where the performance scales with the square of the input size.

Examples of Big O Notation:

  • O(1): Accessing an element in an array by index.
  • O(n): Iterating through an array with a loop.
  • O(log n): Binary search in a sorted array.
  • O(n²): Nested loops iterating over an array.

What is k in Big-O notation?

In Big O notation, k typically represents a constant factor that does not affect the growth rate of the algorithm. It's used to denote constants that may be part of the time or space complexity but are ignored in Big O notation since Big O focuses on the dominant term as input size grows.

What is the θ Big-O notation?

The θ (Theta) notation, also known as Big Theta notation, represents the average-case complexity of an algorithm.

It provides a tight bound on the growth rate of an algorithm, meaning it describes both the upper and lower bounds of the algorithm's time or space complexity.

In other words, if an algorithm is θ(f(n)), it means that the algorithm's running time grows at the same rate as f(n) for both the best-case and worst-case scenarios.

For example, if an algorithm is θ(n), it means that its running time is linear, and it will always take linear time regardless of the input size.

Big-0 notation Cases

Big O notation describes the performance of an algorithm in different scenarios by focusing on how the running time or space requirements grow as the input size increases. There are three main cases to consider:

big o notation cases, Best Case (Ω - Omega Notation), Average Case (Θ - Theta Notation), Worst Case (O - Big O Notation)

1. Best Case (Ω - Omega Notation):

  • Definition: Describes the minimum amount of time or space an algorithm will take, representing the best possible scenario.
  • Example: For linear search in an unsorted array, the best case occurs when the element is the first in the array, resulting in Ω(1).

2. Average Case (Θ - Theta Notation):

  • Definition: Represents the expected time or space complexity for a typical or average input, providing a balanced view of performance.
  • Example: In linear search, if the element is equally likely to be anywhere in the array, the average case complexity would be Θ(n/2), which simplifies to Θ(n).

3. Worst Case (O - Big O Notation):

  • Definition: Describes the maximum amount of time or space an algorithm could take, representing the worst possible scenario.
  • Example: In linear search, if the element is at the last position or not in the array, the worst-case complexity is O(n).

Summary of Cases:

  • Best Case (Ω): The lower bound or minimum time/space required.
  • Average Case (Θ): The expected or typical time/space required.
  • Worst Case (O): The upper bound or maximum time/space required.

Each of these cases provides different insights into the efficiency of an algorithm, helping developers understand its behavior under various conditions.


1. What is Big O Notation?

Big O Notation describes the upper bound of an algorithm’s time or space complexity, focusing on its worst-case performance as input size grows.

2. Why is Big O Notation Used?

It helps analyze and compare the efficiency of algorithms, showing how their performance scales with larger inputs.

3. What Does O(1) Mean?

O(1) denotes constant time complexity, meaning the algorithm's performance does not change with input size.

4. What is O(n)?

O(n) represents linear time complexity, where the algorithm’s performance scales directly with the input size.

5. What Does O(n²) Indicate?

O(n²) denotes quadratic time complexity, meaning performance grows proportionally to the square of the input size.

6. How Do You Determine Big O Complexity?

Analyze the algorithm’s loops, recursive calls, and operations to identify the term that grows the fastest with input size.

7. Can Big O Notation Be Used for Space Complexity?

Yes, Big O Notation can describe both time and space complexity, indicating how memory usage scales with input size.

8. What is the Difference Between Best Case and Worst Case?

Best case (Ω) shows the minimum time/space needed, while worst case (O) indicates the maximum time/space required.

9. What is Average Case Complexity?

Average case (Θ) represents the expected time/space complexity for a typical input, giving a balanced view of performance.

10. Why Are Constant Factors Ignored in Big O Notation?

Constant factors are ignored because Big O focuses on how performance grows with input size, not on fixed overheads or minor variations.

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